Many residents have been concerned about some paint marks appearing on trees and fences. We asked East Sussex Highways if they were planning any tree cutting or pruning and here is their reply below. If you have any concerns please contact them direct on the contact details below.
Good Morning,
Thank you for contacting East Sussex Highways regarding your report.
After further investigation, I can confirm East Sussex Highways have commissioned a detailed survey of all trees adjacent to the highway on rural roads. Any showing faults that are a risk to the highway (including footways) and people using it, may be marked with spray paint. These trees may be on East Sussex Highways owned land or on private land adjacent to the highway if the tree is within falling distance of the highway or has dead or damaged branches overhanging it.
If a tree on private property has been marked, the owner shall receive a notice in due course to have any remedial works carried out within a specified time frame and at their cost. If the tree that has been marked is owned by East Sussex Highways, one of their registered contractors will carry out the felling within a time frame specified by the original surveyor.
I do hope this clarifies the situation that is at hand, but for any other enquiries, please don't hesitate to contact us on the details below.
Kind Regards
Jordan Brookes
Customer Contact Centre | East Sussex Highways
Tel: 0345 60 80 193 | Email: | Website: